Lady Father in Video
Per Ardua
(Through Adversity)
This article was published in the December 2019 Women’s Issue of The Episcopal New Yorker (magazine of the Episcopal Diocese of New York) on December 20th.
Entitled “Per Ardua” (translated “Through Adversity”) this article is printed in English. But, the title of the article certainly captures the essence of my tumultuous journey into the ordination process of the Episcopal Church. This process was newly opened to women in the 1980’s in the Diocese of Southern Virginia. This Diocese was led by Bishop Charles Vache’ who refused to ordain women. The ordination process was still holding fast to the traditional all-male priesthood. So, I was subjected to discriminatory practices and was not recommended for ordination until a year after graduation from seminary. “Per Ardua” is written with the same honesty and gentle courage as my book, Lady Father. It is set in the Dioceses of Southern Virginia and Albany. My journey took me through various ministries from Virginia to upstate New York. During this time I encountered outright hostility and lost members by some. But I also experienced respect and devotion for my loving care of all those God put in my path, regardless of their stance on the issue. The events are reported honestly and without rancor, hostility, or excuses.
“It is painful; it is often light-hearted, even humorous; it is moving as it deals with real people, real events, and real emotions; and, most of all, it is mine – my story, my journey, my life.”
Read the entire Newsletter Article published in The Episcopal New Yorker.
These brief videos capture the thoughtfulness and spirituality of Lady Father.
“What a courageous woman who pursued her calling with perseverance!” Order “Lady Father” today.
“An article which echoes “Lady Father,” a compelling memoir that is a must read.” Order today.
“Lady Father will make you smile and even laugh in the midst of this woman’s trials.” Order today,
“It’s hard to believe what she went through – what a delightful and faithful trail blazer!” Order “Lady Father” today.
Introducing “Lady Father,” a real-life heroine and trail-blazer who endured much adversity as she pursued her call from God to be an Episcopal Priest in a traditionally male priesthood. Order this compelling memoir today.