One of the things that is the most difficult to comprehend is God’s presence in the world around us. There are many different beliefs about this. Some people believe that God made the world and then sat back to watch. There are some who believe that he makes appearances here and there to be sure we don’t forget about him. Others believe that God is present in our hearts and as long as we think of him often and talk to him, we will know his presence. And then there are those who don’t believe in God at all so the question of his presence in the world is a moot point.
I believe that God IS present in the world around us so I have created a series for your reflection called “God and Me.” The first part is called “What is God Like?” and the second part is “Where is God?”
There are opportunities to record your thoughts and answers to the questions that follow each part of the series. If you create a document, type the questions, and then record your answers, you will have a permanent record so you can revisit them whenever you like. I suggest that you even take the time to use these thoughts to form a prayer. They can become a way to express to God your beliefs, your doubts, your hopes, and your thanksgivings for His loving care for us – God’s presence in this world, especially in a time of national crisis. I do hope you will take some time to reflect on how you feel God’s presence in your life.
Both parts of this reflection are in subscriptions:
What is God Like? has 5 sections to help you reflect on how God is present in your life.
A subscription to this Reflection is $15 for all 5 parts. Click here to subscribe and get a download link.
Where is God? has 6 sections to help you reflect on where God is in the world. A subscription to this Reflection is $20 for all 6 parts. Click here to subscribe and get a download link.
A subscription to both parts in one transaction ($30), click here and get a download link.
Read more of my theological teachings in some of the sermons I preached at Jermain UMC and things that I have learned about God in my life. To sign up for our eMail blasts and future series and subscriptions, fill out the form below: